Embrace the suck, they say. But frankly, we're not fighting a war here right now, so do you really need to suffer? Look, on 9 out of 10 cars on the market,...
This is a short and sweet one, so the title Quick Snap definitely applies here. Derrick A, a customer of Sr Mod Expert Elliott just picked up a set of...
When an F30 is your "winter car", you have to wonder what the "Summer" car(s) is/are. Thony Olausson, as you might reckon by the name, lives in Sweden and...
A while back, Dan Eaton brought in his freshly acquired F30 BMW 328i to Sr Mod Expert Alan Wei, one of our BMW specialist Mod Experts here at ModBargains and...
Once and a while, I get to let someone else do the talking for me - the Customer. By the way we figure it, you'd rather hear what the person who paid for the...
The other day Leslie V brought her LCI BMW E90 328i into the shop to give the car a bit of a freshening. Like most E90s, Leslie's 328i is getting up there...
When we say we love Clownshoes, we ain't talking no Ronald McDonald. Thanks to the distinctive proportions and Chris Bangle's distinctive Flame Surfacing...
One of the things we enjoy most here is when we have a happy customer coming back again and again, so we get to see the evolution of a car from stock to...
We've been talking a lot about how to get the most out of a variety of different BMW platforms lately, so today we thought we'd take a step back and get in...