A few weeks back, Joe D reached out to Mod Expert Blake to see about lowering Joe’s E82 BMW 135i. Given the 1-series position as the “entry level” BMW, a performance E82 Suspension upgrade that didn’t break the bank was going to be ideal.
VMR VB3 / V703 wheels 18×8.5 ET40 / 18×9.5 ET45
Joe’s E82 was already rolling on a set of Gunmetal VMR VB3 / V703 wheels for BMW, but like any car, it needed a drop to look its best. So to give the suspension the drop it needed, Blake recommended Joe go with a set of BC Coilovers for BMW E82.
Featuring 30-way adjustment, BC Coilovers for BMW E82 offer a lot of bang for the buck, and tipping the scales at just a grand (as of press time), it’s impossible to find a comparable quality coilover in the same price bracket.
With quad tips peeking out from under the Carbon Fiber Performance Style Rear Diffuser for BMW E82, Joe’s custom-fabbed E82 Exhaust sounds as good as it looks – and from this angle you can just barely make out the BC Coilover on each side of the rear suspension.
To allow better clearance for the VMR VB3 / V703 wheels, Tech Bryan puts our Fender Rolling Tool to work– we plan to offer fender rolling service in the very near future.
After rolling the fenders and setting the ride height, all that was left was to take the 1 outside for a few photos.
VMR VB3 / V703 wheels 18×8.5 ET40 / 18×9.5 ET45 on BC Coilovers for BMW E82
The roll looks great and the gunmetal finish of the VMR VB3 wheels offers a great contrast to the white paint.
VMR VB3 / V703 wheels 18×8.5 ET40 / 18×9.5 ET45 on BC Coilovers for BMW E82
The stance sitting on the BC coilovers is just right, levelling the car even front to rear.
VMR VB3 / V703 wheels 18×8.5 ET40 / 18×9.5 ET45 on BC Coilovers for BMW E82
Here’s another view.
VMR VB3 / V703 wheels 18×8.5 ET40 / 18×9.5 ET45 on BC Coilovers for BMW E82
All told, Joe’s building a potent and rather clean E82 BMW 1-series, and we can’t wait to see what his next upgrade is.
Interested in modding your BMW 1-Series? Need something installed? Talk to the Mod Experts like Blake (x8011 for Blake), give us a call at 714-582-3330 to chat with our team of experts or stop by the ModAuto showroom in La Habra CA during business hours (8-5 M-Sat) and talk to our experts in person.
Thanks for reading, see you next time!
Story & Photos Nick Gregson