Chameleons are known for blending in - but this 1-series does anything but that. Recently our team of Mod Experts helped Joel P out in Aurora, CO out with a...
The BMW E82 1-Series represented a return to the fundamentals for BMW - small, light, RWD. These same characteristics also make it a great platform for...
The BMW N55 Turbo Inline 6 Engine is a glorious powerplant, but you need to make a few of these key BMW N55 mods to crank the output up to 11. UPDATED...
A few weeks back, Joe D reached out to Mod Expert Blake to see about lowering Joe's E82 BMW 135i. Given the 1-series position as the "entry level" BMW, a...
With the E82 BMW 135i, one of the problems is that the factory exhaust configuration leaves you mostly stuck with a single-exit class exhaust system, unless of...
Modification Expert Frank recently started working with S. Hutcheson to fit their BMW 135i with a new set of wheels for 1-series. Hutcheson's standards for...
We love getting photos from happy customers, this set came to us from Smith Lohmud. Smith recently picked up a set of VMR V710 Wheels for BMW 135i - opting...