To ModBargains customers are the most important part of our business. Without you there is no business. This is why we are dedicated to you and strive for efficiency in every aspect of what we do. The ultimate goal is to make every interaction with enthusiasts a positive, constructive, amazing experience. In order to accomplish this task we always encourage your honest feedback in every dealing with ModBargains. The more information you provide us the better we can become. Whether the feedback is positive or negative we want to hear what you have to say.


When customers provide positive feedback it can serve multiple benefits. It allows us to identify the things that we are doing right and make them a consistent procedure. Feedback allows our employees to know that we are accomplishing our goal of creating a great experience for you; it provides opportunities to recognize employee’s outstanding customer service.


Negative feedback is actually preferable to no feedback at all. When customers provide negative feedback it gives us a chance to fix whatever problems you are having and turn your experience into a more positive encounter. We look at it as an opportunity to help our fellow enthusiast. With negative feedback we can identify where we may have fallen short. This will lead to changes in our company and procedures to better serve you, our greatest asset. Honest negative feedback is more valuable than positive feedback as it provides the most information to change how we can better serve our customers in the future. Don’t get us wrong — we love hearing positive comments about ModBargains, but the negative ones affect the most positive change at ModBargains.

The next time you have a great experience or a less than perfect one feel free to speak up and let us know how we are doing. You will feel better that you did, and we will feel like we were truly able to help you. Remember a negative comment is not rocking the boat, it’s steering the boat in the right direction. Thank you to all of our customers for all the helpful insight you have contributed over the years. We greatly appreciate your support.

Story by Brandon Ybarra